
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Join Anna Banana's Bunch

Make custom t-shirts at

Make custom t-shirts at

There have been a lot of friends of Anna who have shown great support. It has uplifted her and been wonderful. When a tee shirt was mentioned many jumped on the idea. Many other transplant patients have done the same, rallying their supporters. So, with a lot of deliberation, Anna and Sara have designed a tee shirt with long or short sleeves to band Anna's supporters to hang as bananas with a mission.........

An announcement from Anna:

Well, we finally did it. We designed the shirts and they are available to order!

So here is the process...

I will place a bulk order Please EMAIL ME at with your order.
In your email Please include:

Full Name
Number of shirts (Long sleeve or Short Sleeve)
Sizes. (Long sleeve: S,M,L,XL,XXL) (Short Sleeve: YS,YM,YL,S,M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL)

There will be one set price of $25 that will cover both types of shirts as well as postage. I ask for you to please pay me through PayPal at To guarantee your order I ask for your payment to be received before the order is placed on AUGUST 30th. If you do not want to use paypal you can mail me a check but it must be in my hands before I place the order. Please let me know with your order that this is the best means for you and I will give you my address.
I do ask for the people who are local that they can pick up their shirts. Due to the size of the order the overall cost may vary, therefore if it turns out there are extra funds at the end, I will donate them to the United Network for Organ Sharing.

Directions for Paypal: Go to website HERE
The link should take you...
Send money Tab
Send to
Select the Personal Tab for type of payment, Click on money being sent as "payment owed"
From your paypal account, if you have a balance or your bank account is connected there is no fee. If you use your CREDIT CARD, a ONE DOLLAR fee with be charged. If you choose to pay with a credit card, please click on the option for YOU to cover the fee.
Follow the rest of the directions and the transaction will be complete.

I hope you guys enjoy the shirts!

I can't wait to get your orders...

Mission Anna Banana's Bunch shirts commences: August 30, 2010!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Beautiful CF mom of Anna Banana...

    Your precious daughter is in for an amazing journey -- with all my heart (and lungs) I hope hers is just like mine...

    My name is Steve -- Like Anna, I have CF -- like Anna is waiting for, I received two beautiful, new lungs just over 10 years ago... I'm 10 years post double-lung transplant, and this breathing stuff blows my freakin' mind every single day. Even 10 years later, I find myself thinking about it and amazed at what it feels like... I never, ever imagined it could be this easy to breathe -- likely because, like Anna, I'd never had the frame of reference. Even as a child and through my adult years, my breathing was never "normal"... And the CPT treatments to keep my lungs clear for 39+ years, and the constant antibiotics, hospitalizations and everything that goes along with CF kept me feeling far from "normal" anyhoo...

    One of the most amazing things post transplant, beyond being able to breathe freely -- is the time we are given... During the last few years, we spent 8 hours daily dealing with my CPT treatments -- 2-4 hours with my I.V. and inhaled meds -- 2+ hours making certain I was eating enough -- and other miscellaneous time doing various chores to keep me alive... The beautiful girl whose lungs I breathe with -- gave me so much more than lungs and the ability to breathe freely, she gave me time -- almost like getting an extra 16 hours every single day!!!

    I hope Anna's journey is as amazing as mine has been... I hope she understands what it's like to breathe freely very soon. It will take some months after transplant to adjust -- but I hope it will blow her mind like it does mine...

    I have a little of my story at and I blog about organ donation at

    You take good care of Anna... I know just from looking at a few of your posts, she's got a wonderful CF mom... I know that CF moms ROCK -- I've got a pretty wonderful one myself...

    Love, Steve

    Steve Ferkau
    Chicago, IL
