Tonight I drove to Stanford Hospital to say hello to friends whose dearest Steve was in surgery for a lung transplant. We have known this family many years, 20 + years. We were all involved in CFRI and Anna met Steve and Stephanie through CF Camp.
It was one month ago when Anna had her last pretransplant clinic appointment that we saw them. Steve who has CF was being evaluated for a transplant. Seeing him concerned and worried us. It just shows that you never know about these things. Steve has been on the list for only two weeks and his perfect match was made yesterday. As I am writing this blog he is in the final stages of his surgery. Last night it was thought his surgery would be at 2AM but it was pushed off to 2:30PM today. He is the 5th lung transplant recipient this month. Who would have ever thought that he would be transplanted before Anna? But, we are thrilled and relieved for him.
It was wonderful to sit in the waiting room with his mom, Barbara, wife, Stephanie and his best friend and sister. How exciting to think of a new life. He is 41 and he and his wife have a 3 month old baby. He now will have the energy to be a dad and live to see his child grow. So amazing, no more crappy lungs.
We dreamt about the next Transplant Olympics. In healthier days Steve was a swimmer as Anna was. I recruited Anna into this without her there (sorry Anna, an overly aggressive Mom) but we thought we would go together and watch them swim and maybe Ana and Isa and Anna and Steve could form a relay team to compete together. These ideas make you giddy. There is so much hope and possibility in the transplant arena. Yes, there are still dangers and complications and a bunch of yucky stuff our dear and courageous loved ones must endure but the good stuff is so close we can all taste it.
Sharing the journey is very special. We are rooting for them. Go Steve........... and we will continue to let it flow and let it go...........
I am so excited for Steve!!!! YAY!!! Hearing about his journey makes me want this even more :) I am so happy for him. I can't wait to swim with him at the next Transplant games!