Usually a fish story is filled with exaggeration. You are not sure if it is really true. A long thread is pulled as the story is told and you exclaim, "that is a fish story if I ever heard one!" But this is not that kind of a fish story. This one is true. both Anna and I caught fish this weekend, strange, but true! Anna's catch was a fish of her dreams that swims through aqua water with cherry blossoms floating in its wake. Mine was caught at a secluded creek arm of a favorite reservoir and whose sweet meat was shared with friends.
How were these fish caught you might ask? Our daughters decided that Doug and I needed to take this weekend to get away. It may be our last time for quite a while. When Anna is on the list for lungs we cannot be more than 4 hours away. Even though that is true I am unsure if either of us want to be much more than 1 hour away. It will just be too nerve wracking. So, daughter Sara came to help Anna this weekend so that we could go away and restore and rest. We seized the moment and drove to our country house in the foothills.
Meanwhile, back to Anna and her dream fish. For a very long time Anna has wanted a third tattoo, but this time not a small understated tattoo, but rather a substantial piece of art work to adorn her. The subject of the tattoo would be a koi in aqua water. Anna is a water child, born a cancer and has always loved water, especially warm, tropical blue water. The koi is a beautiful and showy fish but also a symbolic symbol of courage and strength. So, for a long time she imagined a beautifully designed koi swimming on her body as a way to say to herself and the universe that she recognizes herself and her challenge and is ready to meet it.
Because Anna's health has declined faster than expected she thought that there was plenty of time to have an ornate tattoo fashioned on her with multiple sittings prior to transplant. After transplant you are not supposed to have tattoos because of immunosuppression. In the last two months getting the tattoo seemed more of a fantasy that would not be fulfilled. Anna found a skilled and very talented artist who could paint the fish of her dreams upon her body months ago, but because he is so good at what he does it takes months to get an appointment. The first appointment was coming up soon but Anna knew that with her delicate health a tattoo with multiple sittings was something that she could not risk.
Last week Anna decided that it would be much too much of a disappointment if she could not have her dream fish tattoo in some form. It would have to be done in one sitting. The thought that she would have a partially completed tattoo that may never be completed was not acceptable. So, the design had to be made smaller. With the love and artistic support of her sister, a new, more compact design was created that could be done in one sitting. This felt much more achievable. Checking in with the artist on Friday he agreed to the new plan but it was discovered that he gave her an incorrect date for her first sitting. He would be out of town. Anna's heart sank, "but there will be no other time. If I am to have this tattoo it has to be now." As things are meant to be or, as you create your reality, the artist happened to have time on Saturday evening and was willing...... Suddenly Anna's lower back was to be a canvas the next day. It actually was perfect with Sara with her, supporting her, it was what these sisters had talked about sharing with each other for months now.
While Sara and Anna prepared for their fish expedition Doug and I prepared for ours. One of our most favorite things to do is to take out our boat on a near by reservoir in the foothills and throw in our lines. This practice restores us. This may be the only time this summer that we will be able to take the boat out. First we trolled for kokanee salmon with no luck. Next we drove the boat to a a lovely quiet spot with tranquil water and fishing holes. Our boat floated with the wind as we used our trolling motor to steer by the side of the lake while it narrowed into a spit of creek. Awwwwww, peace. It was but a few minutes and with a worm on my hook a fish took hold. It was a 16 inch brown trout. Yayyyyyyyy! Catching trout in this reservoir is not common for us. Usually we catch and release bass. When ever we catch a trout it is a very special occasion. The fish was lovely. I allow myself to take these fish for eating as a way to stay in touch. Yes, I know there are all kinds of justifications but I enjoy eating fish and we eat it regularly. I was raised fishing as a little girl and knew from a young age how to clean my own fish. If I am willing to have others catch it and sell it in the grocery store then I should be able to catch it and eat it myself.
Now we were all caught in the spell of fish. Doug and I had a prize to share with precious friends for dinner. Anna and Sara shared their bond of sisterhood at the tattoo parlor. We told our story to our friends. Soon, they were were caught too and we were all captivated by the taste of trout freshly coked and the images of the tattoo parlor with a woman with oxygen and her sister fulfilling a dream. Our trout gave us the gift of bonding with our friends, and the interesting connection of fish with our daughters. The koi tattoo offered us all an image of courage and persistence with the willingness to not let dreams get away even when they could easily slip away. Anna spent 5 1/2 hours on the tattoo table determined. Her dream came true. The fish is exquisite. It was difficult, she had pain, she now needs to let it heal, but it is done. Another thing on her check list complete before our miracle arrives.
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