ten weeks + post transplant.....
It is amazing
How it all changes
Each moment
Aware of the textures
Aware of the tastes
Here I am
I am feeling better now. Working through with my emotions. It has been a week of easy tears. That tends to be more unusual for me but when I have those times it is a relief. Letting some of it out helps so much. It makes me feel more vulnerable with very tender spots that I want to care for. Since I can be a tough one on the exterior most of the time I kind of covet these times of vulnerability. It is nice to feel a bit softer.
But, as I said, I am feeling better now. A letter of notice has been sitting on my table for a day or two waiting for me to act. I think today I feel ready to hand in the notice to vacate this apartment on March 12. That gives a bit of a window past our three month mark of February 22. That gives a little wiggle room for our transition to launch. I have the willies about this because when you go through this intense of an experience you can not believe it is truly lifting. I wonder if there will be another crisis just around the corner hiding from us. Could be, but I am going to vote for this is a go and Anna is just going to continue to improve. No more obstacles, just healing and restoring for us into a new Spring.
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