Day 36, awaiting the call for Anna's double lung transplant.
Remember that string tied on Anna's wrist by her friend Emily minutes before she received the call that she was finally on the transplant list? Remember that it was supposed to be that when it broke her wish was to come true? Well, today, all of a sudden, the bracelet string broke! The little red string with the diminutive lotus charm is now a straight line, no longer a circle. And, yes, it was a surprise. And, yes, it created chaos of an emotional sort, "OMG is the transplant to happen today? The string broke. Am I ready? Yes, I am ready." And there also was a little woo woo with some serendipity in its timing. It was about exactly, to the minute, shortly after 2PM, 5 weeks since the knot was tied onto her wrist, a very specific time. What does this all really mean?
Superstition can be fun. It can be fun when you are sure not to take it too seriously, but lightly, with as they say, a grain of salt. But, we have to attach our meaning onto these events to create the superstition drama. What did this mean? Emily gave this to Anna for her dream to come true. I am sure Emily meant this to be for her transplant to happen. The instructions said, when the string breaks, new beginnings and your dream comes true. So what came true? The transplant call did not yet arrive. Could it have been the answer to another dream desire?
Today, Anna placed the order for 126 Tshirts! These are her Anna Banana's Bunch Tshirts ordered by friends and family to show spirit and support. Wow, thank you all. It will be fun to dress alike. It won't be hard to pick you out of a crowd. What this really means is that so many people have rallied to Anna's side. This means everything to her. She has a healing community of caring people. Now, there are more of you out there who are also in the Bunch without Tshirts, and you are just as important. But not all of us are as willing as you all to go topless or feel comfortable that way. Those of you in the Bunch who are willing to conform, be part of the crowd, and order a shirt, we are very grateful. It will be two weeks until the shirts arrive. So, you have to wait. When you finally get yours it will be so exciting. So, was this a part of the meaning of the string breaking now?
Anna admits it is her dream to have a healing community while she waits and goes through this journey. Ordering the Tshirts today, just before the string broke, was a big milestone for her in the establishment of this group. So, unless we get a call in the next few hours, let us say, that the dream has indeed come true, Anna has a warm supportive healing community, Anna Banana's Bunch........ the superstition of the breaking of the string and dreams coming true is real. The spell was cast and it worked. Thanks Emily for helping Anna make this special dream come true.